GoodMorning Global Group Holdings Berhad has the pleasure of receiving Vice President of Affin Hwang Capital Securities (Mr. Chau), Director and team from Herman Corporate (Mr. Liew), to explore the synergy and potential collaboration in GoodMorning’s capital market listing.
“GoodMorning’s vision is to be a world leading Food-tech and multigrain company, by delivering wellness to consumers and creating values for shareholders. We believe that by listing our Group, we will have the access to the capital markets for funding to meet our company’s Must-Wins, such as, venturing into plant-based Food technologies and expanding our conventional multigrain business into Middle East market”, highlighted by Dr. Charles Fang Chin Cheng, Group CEO cum CFO of the GoodMorning, during the interview.
欢迎 Affin Hwang Capital Securities 副总裁,Herman Corporate 董事与团队前来晨旭之美集团生产部考察并探讨晨旭之美集团上市计划。在采访中,晨旭之美集团总裁章芳俊博士提及 “集团的愿景是成为世界领先食品科技与综合榖糧企业,为消费者带来无限健康价值及为股东创造最大的价值。上市将有助于集团融资及实施并购方案,这对集团接下来重点发展植物蛋白食品科技产业以及扩充海外中东市场起到了显著的作用” 。