LOCAL food tech company GoodMorning Global Group Holdings Bhd has launched the country’s first dry mix complete nutrition plant-based meat (PBM).
The product comes in powder form and is called “WonderMeat’”.
Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi, who was the guest of honour at the launch in Kuala Lumpur, commended GoodMorning Global for its achievement in food biotechnology.
“I am confident that Malaysia’s alternative protein products like WonderMeat will make headway in the global market and compete with more established brands.
“At the same time, it will help inspire the development of more sustainable food solutions.”
GoodMorning Global Group executive chairman and founder Datuk Dr Lim Sin Boon said: “We firmly believe that food technology holds unlimited potential, paving the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life for Malaysians.
“WonderMeat isn’t merely a food product. It’s a leap towards a sustainable future.”
“At the same time, it will help inspire the development of more sustainable food solutions.”
GoodMorning Global Group executive chairman and founder Datuk Dr Lim Sin Boon said: “We firmly believe that food technology holds unlimited potential, paving the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life for Malaysians.
“WonderMeat isn’t merely a food product. It’s a leap towards a sustainable future.”
Reported by: The Star Online
Full Article: https://www.thestar.com.my/metro/metro-news/2023/12/02/plant-based-food-solution-launched-by-local-firm?fbclid=IwAR1kipn4AuX64zLUOSTv_qWRlkdcpN79uYxS4Q7SjFTovbaKJ8Vtr_TL_is