GoodMorning Global pays a courtesy visit to WWRC Headquarters to build strategic partnerships in plant-based food-tech. WWRC is a global leader providing chemical solutions for various industries – oil and gas, plastics, personal care, and the food industries.
GoodMorning Global, the largest multigrain brand in Malaysia venturing into plant-based food-tech, shares its vision with WWRC towards being a world-leading food-tech and multigrain company by delivering wellness to consumers and creating values for shareholders. WWRC and GoodMorning Global agreed to join hands to accelerate collaboration on several fronts, plant-based food-tech R&D, supply chain vertical integration, capital market corporate exercises, and ESGs agenda.
晨旭之美集团拜访环绮化工(WWRC),为建立植物蛋白食品科技策略伙伴。WWRC 为各种行业提供化工解决方案,是全球的领导者 — 其中包括石油和天然气,塑料,个人护理等行业。
晨旭之美集团是马来西亚最大型综合榖糧品牌,与 WWRC 分享其愿景【致力于植物蛋白食品科技研发】,成为世界领先食品科技及综合榖糧公司,为消费者带来无限健康,及为股东创造最大价值。WWRC 和晨旭之美集团珠联璧合,同意携手合作,加速多方面的配合,如:植物蛋白食品科技研发、垂直整合供应链、资本市场运作以及 ESGs。