From a mechanic to an entrepreneur Dato’ Dr. Lim Sin Boon has so much to tell… To the founder and CEO of GoodMorning Global Sdn Bhd, life was not a bed of roses. There were lots of ups and downs in his life! “I do not move on because there is hope ahead. I move on because I want to see the hope. This is my philosophy of life.” says Dato’ Dr. Lim. The seed of this positive thinking started to grow when he was a teenager. At the age of 16, he dropped out of high school and became a mechanic in a motor repair shop is Kluang, earning less than RM 4 per day. He did not resign to his fate as being the mechanic for the rest of his life. Instead, he believed in his power to change his destiny. In 1988, when he was 19 years old, know his own potential, he gave himself a try in the insurance industry. His strong desire for success soon pushed him to be the star of insurance. His yearly income exceeded a million in 1991 and broke a lot of records in the insurance sector in 1993. However, the mergers and acquisitions of the insurance company in 2002 made him leave his career. This was indeed a big blow to him, after all, he had dedicated his 14 previous years in this line. After leaving the insurance field, he invested a large sum of money in the construction industry, hoping to earn “big and quick” money like others. However, things turn out contrary to the way he wished, he failed and lost his fortune this time. These consecutive setbacks did not defeat him. He started to self-examine himself to find out the reason for these failures. He realized that everything will be in vain if the almighty does not give a hand, no matter how hard one tries. And the only way to make the almighty help one is to do the “right” thing.
Choosing the right path
Insurance can help people to reduce their financial burden when diseases or misfortunes happen in the ‘future’.
Health care can help people to prevent themselves from having diseases at the very present moment.
In his mindset, health care business is more constructive and more meaningful than the insurance.
“I have a strong feeling that this is the right road that I should take. I can help people and myself to gain good health.” “According to the statistics, only 5% of Malaysians lay emphasis on health care, the other 95% of the market share is awaiting us.” Thus, the idea of setting up a health care company was immediately put into practice. On 1 July 2008, he established GoodMorning Global Sdn Bhd as an MLM company and became an entrepreneur. During the first 4 years, the company had brought in 17 kinds of direct sale health products. However, due to the MLM system, the price of the products was marked up and most profit went to the direct sale agents but not to the end users. Though the product were really high-quality, the repeat sales were not satisfying because the customers could not afford the price.

The Story of the Brand“I started to think again whether it was the right system.” At that critical moment, the appearance of the 18th product, GoodMorning Vplus 18 Grains enlightened me.

“Grains are god-gifted food which can bring health. Grains can be the right product to change the company system!” “In 2012, I made an earthshaking decision. I changed GoodMorning Global from a Single Level made, all 500 direct sale agents left the company except James Pang, the loyal agent who has faith in our product.” “It proved that my buddy, James Pang made the right choice. GoodMorning® Vplus 18 Grains does not disappoint us. GoodMorning Vplus is now a popular brand product in the grains market.” “GoodMorning® Vplus 18 Grains is a brand that I created. As a brand leader, I have to be creative and dynamic. I promise to build this precious brand to be stronger, even more sustainable and successful, through the thick and thin of times! The brand deserves it.” GoodMorning® Vplus 18 Grains is a nutritious drink made up of 18 different beans and grains along with 5 active ingredients- red beet roots, soya lecithin, calcium, fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and fibersol 2.
It is 100% Natural, no preservatives, no coloring, white sugar free, lactose free, good aroma and tasty, convenient to drink. It really lives up to its slogan “Nutritious can be Delicious. Healthy Grains, Happy Life!” After the change of the marketing system, people can purchase GoodMorning Vplus 18 Grains at fair and affordable price. Many people have gained their health back from drinking grains and shown their gratitude through verbal or written testimonial. “I feel very happy and contented. The right thing cannot be wrong and likewise, the wrong thing cannot be right.” says Dato’ Dr. Lim Sin Boon.